Holly Cerna (b. 1998 TX) is an Austin- based artist and painter who holds a BFA in painting from Maryland Institute College of Art (2020). Her oil and acrylic paintings explore how color relates to emotion, and light as a representation of the soul or consciousness. She became a member of Contra/Common, an emerging artist nonprofit organization, in November 2021. Recent publications include Issue #150 of New American Paintings and Voyage Austin Magazine.
(b. 1998, Austin, TX)
2016 - 2020
BFA Studio Art – Painting, Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD.
BFA Studio Art – Painting, Studio Arts College International, Florence, Italy.
Group Exhibitions
“From the HeART”, LL Creative, Native Hostel, Austin, TX.
“11th Annual All Women Art”, LightSpacetime.art, online exhibition.
“Closed Circuit”, Contra/Common, Austin, TX.
“Birthing Justice”, TheGalleryATX, Moontower Cider Co., Austin, TX.
“Ground Work”, Studio 89, Highland, NY.
“Re/Flex IV”, ArtUsCo, Austin TX.
“Reflex III”, Contra/Common, Austin, TX.
“West of WEST: Open Studios”, Contra/Common, Austin, TX.
“C/C x Willow: Austin Studio Tour 2021”, 1914 Willow Street, Austin, TX.
“Bee Cave Arts Foundation: Members Only Exhibition”, Bee Cave Arts Foundation, Bee Cave, TX.
“150th West Edition”, New American Paintings, Online Publication.
“BFA Virtual Show”, Serving The People, online exhibition.
“Senior Exhibition I”, Fred Lazarus Center, Baltimore, MD.
Painting, “Luiza,” selected for permanent display in the Jules Maidoff Gallery, Florence, Italy.
“Mixed Salad”, MICA/SACI Exhibition, Jules Maidoff Gallery Florence, Italy.
“Juried Undergraduate Show”, Fox Gallery, Baltimore, MD.​​
Camp Doublecreek Mural Painting, Round Rock, TX.
“Juried Undergraduate Exhibition”, Fox Gallery, Baltimore, MD.
​Painting Selected for Permanent Display, MICA Office of Diversity, Baltimore, MD.
“Portrait Show: Karen Warshall”, Fox 2 Gallery, Baltimore, MD.
“Anatomy Show: Karen Warshall” , Main Building, Baltimore, MD.
2020 Social Distancing Editors Pick #5, New American Paintings
​2018-2019 Tylden Streett Scholarship, MICA
2018 Arnell Lewis Land Art Scholarship, MICA
2018 Freda Eichelberger Scholarship, MICA
2017 Presidential Scholarship, MICA
2017 NAHS Scholarship, MICA
2017 NAHS Scholarship, MICA
2023 - Voyage Austin. 3/21/2023, Daily Inspiration: Meet Holly Cerna. http://voyageaustin.com/interview/daily-inspiration-meet-holly-cerna/.
2022 - Shoutout DFW. 11/13/2022, Why they do what they do. https://shoutoutdfw.com/meet-holly-cerna-artist-creative/.
2021 - Austin Studio Tour, 360 Press Solutions, 2021.
2020 - New American Paintings, no. 150, West Issue.
2020 - ArtistADay. 10/6/2020, https://www.artistaday.com/?p=142934#